Minor A in 2011

MINOR A Division:

There are two subdivisions within Minor A:

  • Junior Division with 9 and 10 year olds
  • Senior Division with 10, 11 and some 12 year olds

Minor A is the first division where batters face players pitching with regulation hard baseballs. The emphasis is on

At least someone should watch the ball

development of baseball skills and team play. For safety reasons, all players applying to Minor A must attend the Minor A evaluations. These evaluations are also used to help balance the teams in this division. Balanced teams take precedence over team mate/friend requests.  At least one season of Minor B is strongly recommended before playing Minor A.  Spaces in Minor A Junior are first offered to 9 and10 year olds (as of April 30, 2011). The Minor A Senior division includes 10, 11 and some 12 year olds with the 10 year olds having Minor A experience.

Teams will play within each division. Minor A games are 5 innings, and there are limits on the runs per inning, except in the fifth inning, which has unlimited runs. Pitching limits must be adhered to for player protection. There are usually 13 players per team. All players are rotated through the infield and outfield positions and all players bat through the rotation.

The season begins in April and games are played at the Minor A diamond at Dunbar Memorial Park (33rd Avenue and Dunbar) in the early evening or on the weekend. There are usually 2 practices and 2 games per week. Team equipment, caps and socks are provided. The team jersey and a belt require a $100 refundable uniform deposit. Fitted grey baseball pants (with belt loops) are required and will be available for purchase on evaluation day. Players must have their own baseball glove and a protective cup is mandatory.  Their own batting helmet is highly encouraged.