Don’t unwrap that new fully-composite bat just yet! You may be able to return it for a model that is legal in Little League.
In the wake of an earlier moratorium on the use of Composite bats in the Junior League Baseball, Senior League Baseball, and Big League Baseball Divisions, Little League international have placed a ban on the use of fully composite bats at the Little League Level (Majors and below). In Dunbar this only affects our tournament team equipment as we did not allow the use of fully composite bats in league play as a local rule. League that allowed these bats and supplied equipment are out a lot of money.
I personally think this is a great thing as these bats, through the use swing weight optimization and coefficient of restitution (spring effect) generated unrealistic and dangerous hit-ball velocities for the size and skill level range in Little League. I think it was the liability issue that was driving this decision on this issue. I know many our our long term volunteers believe this is a good thing.
My kids have a composite bat that they have for fun to use in batting practice but they also have traditional wood bats to practice with and I love the sound of these. For me this is the true sound of a ball being hit.
There is a list of Approved composite bats that meet stringent performance characteristics. Approved Bats.
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Have a Happy New Year.