2012 Umpire Clinic March 31


When: Saturday March 31st 10:00 – 1:30 PM
Where: Dunbar Community Centre Room 212

Presenters: Ted Lord, Past Umpire in Chief, Dunbar Little League

Len Brown, Past Umpire in Chief, Dunbar Little League
Dwayne Bertrand, District 1 Umpire
Bert Mollica, District 1 Umpire
John Florio, District 1 Umpire

This umpiring clinic is being held for those baseball players who are interested in
becoming and umpire and as a refresher for those who have already been an umpire in
previous seasons. Any new umpire who wishes to umpire for Dunbar Little League must
attend this clinic or have received equivalent training elsewhere.

Qualification for Minor A/B Umpires:

Base Umpire: At least 11 years old and playing on a Little League Majors team, or 13
years old and older.

Plate Umpire: Previous experience as a base umpire.

Qualification for Majors Umpires:
Base Umpire: At least 14 years old and experience as a plate umpire at the Minor A
Plate Umpire: At least 16 years old and experience as a base umpire at the Majors level.

For further information please contact

Past Umpire in Chief  and all round nice guy……..Ted Lord
Umpire Coordinator …….