Some Key Events for coaches

Here are  some key dates coming up and several that are for coaches just after the Spring Break.

March 31st Work Day.

March 31st umpire clinic.

April 2nd Dunbar Coaches meeting in the Community centre Dunbar room.


5:30-6:00pm   Blastball;  6:00-6:45pm   T-Ball (Coaches Clinic at T ball field 7:00);  6:45-7:45pm   MINOR B; 7:45-9:00pm  Minor A

April 3rd and 4th: Little League coaches instructional program: Teaching for Tomorrow. Teaching for Tomorrow Coaches 2012

The 3rd is for coaching instructing 4-7 year olds.

The 4th is for coaches instructing 8-12 year olds.

April 9th: UBC Kick Off Instruction for kids (Minor B, Minor A and Majors) at the Majors field. 9:00 to 12:30