UMPIRE signup 2012

Hi all,
Thanks for attending the umpire clinic today, or attending the clinics either at Kerrisdale or Jericho (check their websites) To get into the online umpire system you need to email to the address below the information requested on the sheet that was handed out at the meeting.
This information is repeated below. Please fill out this information and email to




Home Phone:                                                 

Parent Phone:                                                            

Home E-mail:                                                 

Alternate E-mail:                                            

League and Team:                                         

I will accept umpire assignment for

(check all applicable):

  • Minor B Base Umpire
  • Minor B Plate Umpire
  • Minor A Base Umpire
  • Minor A Plate Umpire
  • Majors Base Umpire

o         Majors Plate Umpire