The championship game at Lynn Valley started out wet and got wetter as the innings passed. The weather did not deter the superb effort by our Dunbar team who stayed focused on the task at hand. The early
innings were supported by two of the three baseball pillars, pitching and batting. Everyone contributed offensively in the first and second innings at the plate to have Dunbar go up 9 to 3. Luca D.” battened down the hatches” for two innings on the mound in substantial rain. Hastings, not known for giving up, recovered from a 9 to 3 deficit with a five run inning to get within 1. However Hastings were not able to ford that last river. Dunbar’s last at bats looked promising when they had bases loaded and none out. However the inning ended quickly when two lazer line-drives resulted in a doubling off at first and the Hastings shortstop collecting the second one with considerable calm. The last two innings were well controlled by Luca C. on the mound and great defensive plays to have Dunbar hold on for a well deserved 9 to 8 tournament win. The rain let up and the skys cleared for the award ceremony….. really they did!
Thanks to coaches : Jim Comparelli, Nelson Greidanus, Ron Ezeliel, Martin Illing