Here are some big dates on the Dunbar Little League Calendar.
Coaches Clinic
Tuesday April 2 Coaches Meeting Where : Dunbar Community Centre. If you are coaching please be there.
- 5:30-6:00pm Blastball;
- 6:00-6:45pm T-Ball;
- 6:45-7:45pm MINOR B;
- 7:45-9:00pm Minor A
Teaching for tomorrow Coaches Clinics:
At Vancouver College. See attachment here
April 3rd: Learning the game ages 4 through 6.
April 4th: Playing the game ages 7 through 12.
Saturday April 6 Work Day.
Saturday April 6th UMPIRE CLINIC Where : Dunbar Community Centre. 10:00 to 12:00.
Saturday April 13th Opening Day! The best day in the :DDunbar Community Calendar.