Dunbar Little League’s Parade and Closing Day Ceremony is this Saturday, June 15, 2013.
The parade, a highlight of our community, begins at 930 AM from Dunbar Street and King Edward Avenue. All teams will gather on the King Edward Boulevard, West of Dunbar by no later than 9:15 AM. Just like on opening day, look for a sign with your team’s name. Blastball teams will be closest to Dunbar and Majors teams will be the furthest West. All players are to come dressed in uniform and bring a banner or anything else you want to include in the parade.
The parade will include the Vancouver Canadians’ mascot Bob Brown Bear, members of the Vancouver Police Motorcycle Unit, classic cars and the Vancouver Fire Department. The parade will start at 930 AM sharp and will move South on Dunbar Street to Memorial Park. Spectators are welcome along Dunbar street.
On arrival at Memorial Park, all players, Coaches and Managers will run onto the Majors Diamond in preparation for Closing Ceremonies, which wil begin at 10 AM. As with Opening Day, please leave the dogs at home and no strollers are permitted onto the Majors Field. Parents, siblings and friends are invited to watch the Closing Ceremonies from the grandstands or from beyond the fence.