2018 Player Evaluations

Mandatory Evaluations for All Players in Minor B Sr, Minor A Jr, Minor A Sr and Majors Tryouts
Date: February 25th, 11am-4pm
Where: UBC Baseball Indoor Training Facility, 3085 Wesbrook Mall

**Please arrive 20 minutes before your scheduled assessment time to register. Assessments will start promptly at the stated time and all players must be ready to go.**

Minor B Sr and Minor A Jr (baseball age 8 and 9):
11:10AM-11:40AM, last name starts with A-G (arrive 11:00AM)
11:40AM-12:10PM, last name starts with H-P (arrive 11:20AM)
12:20PM-12:50PM, last name starts with Q-Z (arrive 12:00 noon)

Minor A Sr and Majors Tryout (baseball age 10+):
1:00PM-2:00PM, last name starts with A-G (arrive 12:40PM)
2:00PM-3:00PM last name starts with H-N (arrive 1:40PM)
3:00PM-4:00PM last name starts with O-Z (arrive 2:40PM)

*If you played in Majors last year, you do NOT have to attend as you are already rostered to your Majors team.

Attendance is mandatory for the evaluation session. Please ensure your player arrives on time, in baseball uniform, with glove, batting gloves and batting helmet. Please be back to pick your child up at the stated completion time as we can’t have children unsupervised at the facility.

Drop off – Main Lobby. Please do not linger in the main lobby as we need to keep it clear for those arriving for their assessment.

Pick up – Children will be released on the WEST SIDE of the facility by the large barn style door. The children will not be released from the main lobby area.

There is no parking or direct vehicle access to the facility. Most find it easiest to park at the Save On Foods and walk over.