Gutsy Walk Fundraising Drive

Logan Huttunen currently plays in Majors on the Stong’s Grocers team. He and his family have been part of the Dunbar Little League family since Blastball. Three years ago, Logan was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. He was only 8 years old at the time. Logan has struggled with his health through several baseball seasons, but has always returned the next season to play baseball…his favourite sport.

This year Logan is the Honorary Chair for the Gutsy Walk for Crohns and Colitis here in Vancouver (June 3, 2018).

As part of our support for Logan, we’d like the rest of DLL to hear about his fundraising efforts and visit his Fundraising Page.

We are also including Logan’s speech about Ulcerative Colitis and how it has affected his life. Please watch the video to educate yourself on Logan’s diagnosis. Great job, Logan! You’re an inspiration for the rest of the DLL family!