2019 Opening Day – Saturday, April 13, 2019

Thank you to all the families who came out this past weekend for work day. All four of our diamonds are looking spectacular.  As you may have noticed work is continuing through the week (see photo).

Saturday, April 13, 2019, is the official kickoff for our 2019 season. Opening Day takes place at West Memorial Park (33rd and Dunbar).

We expect over 1000 people at the park, so please WALK TO THE PARK if possible.

Here is the timetable for the day:

9:30AM – 9:45AM
Teams gather in full uniform outside the Majors field fence. Several volunteer “herders” wearing yellow vests will help coordinate the teams running onto the field. There will be signs where teams will line up, so look for your team. Parents should leave their player with their team and move away from the staging area and find a spot to watch the opening ceremony.  Ideal spots are in the bleachers behind home plate or by the fence down the 3rd base line.

For families new to baseball, this is an exciting event. We start by introducing each team and players run onto the field led by their coaches and are welcomed by cheers from the crowd.

10:00 AM
Welcome followed by teams entering the Majors field.

* Singing of  “O Canada”

* Opening Remarks

* Little League Pledge

*Opening Pitch

* Singing of “Take Me out to the Ball Game”

* Closing remarks

* Exit from field

The event will go rain or shine and last approx. 35 to 40 minutes.  It will be fun for the kids. Please dress warmly as needed.  If you are bringing an umbrella please be respectful of those behind you.  Our concession will be open soon after the ceremonies.