Check Teamsnap! Season Extended One Extra Week

The Board has voted to extend our regular season of baseball one extra week to June 27th in order to provide our players with about a 4 week season of games which will culminate in a fun “championship style” final game for all divisions except TBall.

The Division Coordinators have worked hard to create new schedules for Minor B, Minor A, and Majors divisions and all games are now scheduled in Teamsnap. Please be sure to check your new schedules and mark your availability.

Our revised Return to Play (RTP) plan has been posted. We are obligated to abide by all the protocols set forth by Baseball BC, which have been approved by Viasport as we move into Phase 2, Stage 2 of the Baseball BC RTP. If you have any questions about any of the RTP protocols, please email your team manager or Division Coordinator:




As a reminder, no spectators are allowed at the diamonds until we are given permission (hopefully by mid June). The Vancouver Parks Board has warned us that they will be conducting spot checks over the next few weeks to ensure our compliance and will revoke our operating permit if we are found to have spectators at the games.


Scorekeepers and COVID Safety volunteers are not considered spectators, so please volunteer in one of these capacities if you would like to watch your player’s game.


Please update your player’s availability in TeamSnap as soon as you receive your team’s schedule.