Umpire Clinic Details

New Umpire Clinic - March 30, 2023, 4PM - 6PM @ Dunbar Memorial Park - Majors Diamond

Anyone age 11 or older that would like to become an umpire for Dunbar Little League must attend this clinic. Clinic participants should bring their contact email, parent email, phone number, a glove, wear a cup and dress for the weather. The clinic will be held rain or shine. No registration is required for this training clinic.

Participants should review the following links to prepare for the clinic:

Basic Calls:

Calling Balls and Strikes:

No clinic registration is necessary. Just complete the pre-work and show up for the clinic! We will meet at the Major’s Field spectator bleachers next to the concession stand.

Returning Umpire Clinic - March 28, 2023, 4PM - 6PM @ Dunbar Memorial Park - Majors Diamond

This clinic will cover more complex information and mechanics related to umpiring, and will be designed specifically for those who have already umpired at the Minor A level or higher already. Attendance to this clinic is required for all umpires wishing to start the season umpiring at the Minor A or higher level (whichever you have experience in). Please email me to confirm your attendance to this clinic.


You will need:

  • To dress for the weather
  • a baseball glove
  • water bottle

We will meet at the Major’s Diamond Bleachers at 4PM

I Umpired last year, but only did Minor B. Which clinic should I go to?

For those who are new umpires, or are returning umpires who have only umpired at the Minor B level. Please email me to sign up for the New Umpire Clinic which will be held on March 30th. (Details should have already been sent to you).


As always, do not hesitate to email me ( with any questions about which clinic to attend, or anything umpire related.


Looking forward to seeing you all soon!

– Wesley