Majors A Division

What is the Majors A Division?
Majors A is the highest level of play in Little League baseball for players ages 11 and 12, plus some highly skilled 10 year olds. Players are drafted based on their skill level, motivation, and commitment to play baseball. Dunbar Little League is special because once drafted to a Majors A team, the player remains on that same team as long as they remain eligible to continue playing Little League baseball. This can create fantastic and unique opportunities in the community, where kids (and parents) forge bonds that will last a lifetime.
How much of a time commitment is required?
The Majors A division requires significant player & parental commitment to baseball. The season goes from mid-April to mid-June, with about 15 games per regular season. On average, teams play 2 times and practice at least once per week. Concession, scoring, field preparation and other duties are also mandatory for Majors’ parents on a rotational basis all season.
At what age can kids play in the Majors A?
Players can try out for Majors as 10, 11, or 12-year-olds (See Baseball age). Refer to player assessments.
How many players are there in Majors A?
The Majors A division is limited to a maximum of 5 teams of 12 players each, so there are 60 players in Majors A. Because the previously drafted players stay on the same team to which they were drafted the previous year, the number of positions available for draft is equal to the number of 12-year old players who graduate. This is usually about 50%, or 30 positions this year.
How do players get selected for Majors A?
Players wishing to be considered for Majors MUST attend the player evaluation session, usually held in February at UBC (the date is posted on the registration page). This information is used by the coaches in drafting players to each Majors A team. The teams draft in reverse order of standing from the previous regular season, with each team selecting one player in turn until all the available Majors A positions are filled.
How can players prepare for assessments?
We recommend that players invest the time and energy to participate in offseason training. There are several training programs available for all ages, including UBC Baseball, 5tool, Travail Development, and North Arm, who offer training during the Fall and Winter. You can also start warming up and throwing the ball with your friends or parents a few weeks before the Player Evaluation. At the player evaluation, make sure that you arrive early so that you have a chance to warm up properly.
My child did not perform his/her best at the player assessments. Does that mean that he/she won't be selected in the draft?
Not necessarily. The independent player evaluation is the primary but not the only factor used in the draft. The coaches also have the ratings and narrative comments about the players from their previous year’s coaches, and they may have seen the players in previous years.
My child is 12 this year. Does he/she have the same chance of being drafted as a 10-year old?
All players should attend assessments at UBC and players aged 11-12 should try out for Majors A. If your child is new to baseball and a baseball 12 years old, they may not be drafted to a Majors A team and will be placed in the Majors B draft. This is to allow them to have the most fun and play with other players of similar skill level.
My child is 10 this year but would like to play in Majors A?
It should be noted that each of the Majors A teams may only draft 10-year olds who have been assessed in the top 25% of all Majors tryout players (not just top 25% of 10-year olds). Because of the size range of the players and the speed of the play (pitchers can pitch in excess of 60 miles per hour and balls are hit faster than that), safety in this division is a serious concern.
Please contact the registrar to request your 10 year old be considered for the Majors A draft.
When will we find out if my child was drafted to a Majors A team?
The Majors A draft usually occurs in early March. Once the draft is completed, the drafted players will be posted on the website and the player will be contacted by the Head Coach.
What happens if my child is not selected for the Majors A?
Kids can have a rewarding experience, competitive play, and just plain fun in either the Majors or Minor A Senior divisions. Players who are not selected for the Majors division are placed on a Minor A Senior team.
How do I become a coach in the Majors A?
Coaching in the Majors division requires a significant time and skill commitment. In general, Majors A division coaches have previous baseball coaching experience and at least a Level 1 coaching certificate from Baseball BC. Some coaches in the Majors A division do not have children in the League. The Board of Dunbar Little League appoints coaches based on interest, background, experience, and needs of the League. If you are interested in coaching, ensure to indicate your interest during registration, and you may also contact the Majors Coordinator and/or the President.
How much will my child play if drafted to Majors A?
Although Little League International mandates a minimum of only 2 defensive innings (6 defensive outs) per player at this level, Dunbar local rules are such that players will field at least 4 innings per game with at least 1 inning played in the infield. Note that this local rule does not guarantee that your child will play all positions. There is a range of strategies used by coaches to meet these play time minimums and remain competitive. Teams must bat through the order, meaning that all players will get a chance to bat in every game.
Why is my child mostly playing in the outfield?
Because of the size range of the players and the speed of the play (pitchers can pitch in excess of 60 miles per hour and balls are hit faster than that), safety in the Majors A division is a serious concern. If your child is drafted to Majors A and your team's coaching staff are uncomfortable with them playing in the infield with hard balls traveling at high speeds then it is likely most of your child's play will be in the outfield until they are very comfortable with this situation through practice and skill development. The application of this safety concern is at the discretion of the coaching staff.
I have more questions. Who can I contact?
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