Umpire at DLL(old)

2018 Umpire Clinic

Majors Division players who are at least 11 years old this season and players who have aged out of Little League are invited to become an umpire with Dunbar Little League during the 2018 season. New umpires will typically begin with base umpiring at Minor B and with experience, players can move to Minor B plate and Minor A. Umpiring is a fun way to be involved with baseball outside of playing games. Dunbar Little League pays our umpires a per game honorarium of $15 for base and $20 for plate so it’s also a great way to earn some extra money.

If interested in umpiring this year, new umpires must register for and attend a mandatory umpire clinic on Saturday, April 7, 2018 from 1:00pm to 4:30pm at Dunbar. The clinic will be held outdoors at Dunbar’s main diamond at 4701 Dunbar Street. To register for the clinic please email Selena Chu, Dunbar Umpire Coordinator, at Please include your child’s name, age, email address and phone number.

Returning umpires should have already been contacted by Selena via the Assignr umpire system.

Link to Umpire Scheduling website.

We are using to coordinate umpires for Minor B and Minor A games.

Log into the system here.

Useful Documents for Umpires in Dunbar Little League

Click abridged tips for some great tips on umpiring. This document should be read thoroughly
by all umpires and reviewed prior to each game. It is intended for umpires
who have relatively little experience, but provides a good review for more
experienced umpires.

Click abridged rules for an abridged version of the Little League Baseball Rulebook. This document
is intended for more experienced umpires who are already familiar with the
official Little League rulebook. It summarizes all the important rules and
should be reviewed prior to each game

Click rulesmajors for the Dunbar Little League local rules for Majors. These rules are supplemental to the official rulebook and should be fully understood by all umpires doing Majors games for DLL. Visit the Minor A page for unique rules specific to Minor A Jr and Sr.

Useful Links for Umpires

Little League International Umpire’s Page

BC Baseball Umpires Association

BC Baseball Umpires Association Hey Blue newsletter

Jim’s Rules of Baseball Answered


The UMPIRE Scheduler can be reached at